CBD Hemp Research at MFAI

Michael Fields Agricultural Institute is carrying out a couple of field trials on CBD hemp this year. One is a cultivar trial, run as a Midwest collaborative effort with UW Madison, Michigan State, University of Illinois and Purdue, wherein we are testing cultivars across different states in the Midwest. At our site, we have 10 photoperiod sensitive cultivars and 3 day neutral cultivars. The day-neutral cultivars have been harvested and processed while the photoperiod cultivars are in flowering. Flowering observations and Cannabinoid testing is done regularly at appropriate intervals. We will follow up with a report on cultivars suited to this part of the state.

The second trial is on using cover crops for weed control in CBD hemp under organic farming. Rye, Dutch white clover, buck wheat and cowpea have been planted at different times using different planting ratios. Rye has been mowed back in all plots as and when deemed necessary. Cowpea that germinated was totally canopy covered by buck wheat and did not grow well. Buckwheat was terminated at 40 days after planting and laid back to cover the land area and prevent weed growth.

Initial observations have shown that the highest weed biomass was in the control plot and the lowest was in the plots with buckwheat. Rye also provided good ground cover and thereby, weed control. Dutch clover provided better weed control compared to the check, but the germination and cover crop population was affected by the high temperature and lack of rain in spring. The crop is in flowering now and samples will be collected to study the effect of cover crops on CBD accumulation and yield. This is a non-replicated pilot study.


"Healthy Soil Holds Water" Field Day


Welcome Back to Wisconsin, Noemy!