Welcome Back to Wisconsin, Noemy!

“I want to dismantle the belief that to be sustainable you can't enjoy an appealing lifestyle.”

- Noemy Serrano

Noemy Serrano joined MFAI's Policy Team last month as our new Assistant Policy Director. Originally from Long Beach, California, Noemy attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison, graduating in 2019 with a degree in Personal Finance and a minor in Sustainability. In 2019, she started an online business of sustainably produced home and personal care products, which she grew during the year of restricted COVID exposure. "It's been wonderful having Noemy jump right in," says Margaret Krome, MFAI's Policy Director. “She comes with a commitment to sustainability, great communications skills, and enthusiasm for learning that make it a privilege to work with her."

Serrano says she was looking for opportunities to return to Wisconsin, which she loves. Our winters don't daunt her, and the Institute's agenda excites her. "I want to dismantle the belief that to be sustainable you can't enjoy an appealing lifestyle, or that the environment needs to be compromised in order to be profitable. MFAI's approach to agricultural conservation seamlessly addresses those beliefs.” Serrano also touched on her work for the Wisconsin Women in Conservation project, stating that “working on a project that’s committed to creating a safe & welcoming space for women, in a field that hasn’t always felt very accessible to them, has been extremely fulfilling.”

Welcome, Noemy!


CBD Hemp Research at MFAI


Fermentation Fest: Grassland Edition